Installation guides for installing your new letter box. While designed predominately for Brick work they can also easily be installed into other fencing like timber or steel fencing. With the letterbox housings available in 200mm, 230mm, 350mm, 400mm, 470mm and 600mm depth’s these sizes will accommodate most standard brickwork or block piers / fences in regards the depth. Below are some guides to help you out.

When installing leave the plastic protecting cover sheet on the housing rear door and simply brick in the housing as you construct the pier, depending on the size of the pier, some brickwork on each side of the housings will have to be cut while the housings height should work to standard gauge. The rear door and the open front must be flush (Open front can be slightly recessed, but never proud of brickwork) with the brickwork. Leave plastic protective sheet on, tape up lock, handle and front of housing before you acid wash. Once washing is completed cut and peal protective cover sheet off rear door, reverse handle, tighten lock nut to the lock and coat the complete housing with WD40 or RP7 spray including the door, handle, lock and hinge internally and externally. Once acid wash has been completed please leave brickwork to weather for a minimum of 2 weeks (to allow acid residue to wash off) before installing the face panel by lining up threaded lugs with the slots on the housing, slide on and use nuts to secure face panel in place.
When installing leave the plastic protecting cover sheet on the housing rear door and simply brick in the housing as you construct the pier, depending on the size of the pier, some brickwork on each side of the housings will have to be cut while the housings height should work to standard gauge. If using Acrylic render you can make the rear door end 5mm proud for the render to work to, this will cause the front (open) end of the housing to be approximately 10mm recessed which won’t matter as the face panel has 20mm threaded lugs which will take up this gap. If using Sand and Cement render, the render will have to be beveled into the rear door end and can be up to 15mm proud of the front (open) end of the housing. Once rendering is completely finished, cut and peal protective cover sheet off rear door, reverse handle, tighten lock nut to the lock then install face panel by lining up threaded lugs with the slots on the housing, slide on and use nuts to secure face panel in place.
When installing into a timber or metal fence the best and easiest way is to cut the height and width of the housing from your fencing, then install trimmers all the way around the opening to carry your pickets / slats / tubing. Slide the housing into the opening making it flush with your pickets / slats, etc and simply drill and screw thru into the trimmers of the sides, top and bottom of the housing to secure in place. Once the housing is secure peal the protective cover sheets off rear door, reverse handle, tighten lock nut to the lock then install face panel by lining up threaded lugs with the slots on the housing, slide on and use nuts to secure face panel in place.
***The Housing is NOT a structural box and it is recommended that housing is supported and / or propped internally while bricking in.
***It is CRUCIAL that the housing is installed plum and not twisted as this will affect the operation of the rear door and it may cause the door to bind.
*** For all letterboxes especially our stainless steel range when Acid washing, all acid residue must be cleaned off brickwork before installing the face panel, acid can cause the stainless steel to rust or bring on “Tea Staining” to the stainless prematurely. Once washing is completed cut and peal protective cover sheet off rear door, reverse handle, tighten lock nut to the lock and coat the complete housing with WD40 or RP7 spray including the door, handle, lock and hinge internally and externally. Once acid wash has been completed please leave brickwork to weather for a minimum of 2 weeks (to allow acid residue to wash off) before installing the face panel by lining up threaded lugs with the slots on the housing, slide on and use nuts to secure face panel in place.
*** The Letterbox face panels and plaques come with various finishes that can be easily scratched during installation and is recommended that care is used when handling and installing to avoid any surface scratches as The Letter Box Shop will NOT class this as defect for a return